
More than 900 scientific references



The Paper Book
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The « Pressure columns » model© for osteopathic care is now available from the authors
“Osteopathy is not based on science!“ Counter truth swept away by this treaty based on 30years of research, on our work, all statistics, on more than 900 scientific publications,allowing to build and support the global approach to osteopathy! Unrecognized roles of thediaphragm, pressure columns ©, visceral dynamics © organized, intrinsic dynamics ©, specific disturbances of dynamics in correlation with visceral dysfunctions, visceral hypersensitivity, sacroiliac joint, iliopsoas muscle, intracranial pressure, tonic dysposturality ©, etc., as much innovative and fundamental data. The osteopath is guided by a simple methodology in the maze of all spheres exploitable in osteopathy: discussions, scientisfic justifications, diagrams and more than 150 photos! The information is completed by a DVD.

Thanks to all who helped and supported us (they will recognize themselves!), and especially to our wives DAISY, MARTINE, to DR. DEHAENE (Radiologist), to N. GRETRY, Prof. G.LIBERT and his team (Faculté Polytechnique UMons), L. QUACQUARELLI, O. MASCIA,Prof. N. MEI, M. MESSINNE, NYLO, Prof. B.RONDELET, V. VIENNE (photos), M. VILLERS and Prof. D.VILLERS

Special thanks to RACHEL BROOKS (USA) for her unfailing trust

To our Research Associates of “FINET WILLIAME Osteopathy teaching team”, our group of approved teachers and instructors : Sandra and Simon BERNASCONI- MONNIN DO (Switzerland), Massimo BELLUCCI DO (Italy), Lorenzo CARMINATI DO (Belgium),Massimo LOMBARDOZZI DO (Brazil), Fabio PARAVANO DO (Belgium), Nicolas VIGNON DO (France), Frédéric CARLES DO (France),

Part One – Biometry of visceral dynamics[1985]
1. Object
2. Means
3. Methodology
The visceral software “deltadyn®”
Chapter I – Gastrointestinal dynamics
The examinations
A. Examinations by X-Rays of thegastrointestinal tract
B. Sources of error
C. Visceral dynamics
Biometric analysis of gastrointestinaldynamics
1. The stomach
2. The duodenum {Fig. 5 & 6}
3. The jejunum {Fig. 7 & 8}
4. The colon {Fig. 9 & 10}
Chapter II – The dynamics of the liver, the spleen, the kidneys and the pancreas
Ultrasonographic examinations
1. Sources of error
2. Locating errors
3. Methodology
4. ResultsConclusion
Biometric analysis of the ultrasonographic examinations of the liver, the pancreas, the kidneys and the spleen
1. The liver
2. The kidneys
3. The pancreas
4. The spleen
Abdominal visceral dynamics – Recapitulation
The gastrointestinal tract The Liver – The Kidneys – The Pancreas – TheSpleen
Frontal plane
Sagittal plane
Part Two
- A functional model
The diaphragm is the main respiratory muscle!
The respiratory “accessory” muscles -“accessory” ??
The “central tendon” theory
The diaphragm = 2 muscles!
Mechanical implications linked to the shapeof the diaphragm
The diaphragm and posture
Diaphragm, The transversus abdominis, Thepelvic floor muscle, The multifidus,intercostal, scaleni, sternocleidomastoid andtrapezius muscles
The diaphragm : its origin and evolutionAbdominal pressureThe sacroiliac joint
A dysfunctional model
“The Finet-Williame Pressure Model©” (“ModèlePressif Finet-Williame©”) Strategy
Visceral hypersensitivity
StiffnessIntra-abdominal pressure
- The lumbar spine
Dependence on dose and time
Extracellular templates
Pressure and phenotype
The iliopsoas muscle
On the subject of feet With regard to “Visceral Slide” {A spacefor discussion with the medical world}
Lumbodynia and visceral dysfunction
Concerning the vagus nerve
Abdominal pressure and intracranial pressure
Muscular series - sternocleidonmatoid and masseter muscles and the temporal bone
With regard to pressure-related interactions{“Reports Pressifs©”} and the polycompartmentsyndrome
Visceral dynamics and homeostasis
- The Finet-Williame procedure
The methodology of palpationTechnique
– Test Palpatory analysis and the series of postural-respiratory muscles
- Methodology
Techniques of normalization
Normalization of cranial tensions
Normalization of the muscles and joints of the lower limbs
Normalization of the thorax
Normalization of the sacroiliac joint
Analysis of the correlations between theshift of all the segments of the gastrointestinal tract or the search for “a pressure model©” (“modèle pressif©”)
Sphincters of the oesophagogastrointestinaltract
Perturbations of the visceral dynamic and visceral dysfunctions
Introducing the study of perturbations to visceral dynamics
General conclusions
Intrinsic dynamics
Statistical study of intrinsic dynamics
Visceral dynamics and normalizations
Tests and normalizations of pressure columns©(“Colonnes de pression©”)
Locating a left pressure column
Locating a right pressure column
Tests and normalizations of visceral zones
Tests and normalizations of peritoneum zones
Tests and normalizations of sphincter zones
Normalizations of intrinsic dynamics
Tests and normalizations of the visceral zones of the liver, kidneys, spleen and pancreas
Bibliography more than 900 scientificsreferences 

In memoriam Clovis (Drawings), Derek Slade (Translation)

The « Pressure columns » model©
For osteopathic care

available from the authors
  • « Biométrie de la dynamique viscérale et nouvelles normalisations ostéopathiques » (Out of print)                                  Ed.R.JOLLOIS (F-Limoges) Août 1992          

    « Treating visceral dysfunction »  
    Ed.Stillness Press (Portland USA) Août 2000

    " Ostéopathie viscérale: un espace de discussion avec le monde médical "   
    « Osteopatia viscerale :uno spazio di discussione con il mondo medicale »

    Riassunto in circa 50 pagine delle conoscenzescientifiche attuali riferite alle nostre ricerche e a più di 150 articoli estratti dalle riviste più quotate.

    Questo libro non espone le tecniche.

    Un DVD di 22 minuti completa le informazioni grazie a delle animazioni e a dei numerosi estratti video.
    Edizione 2013 in francese, inglese, olandese, tedesco, italiano, portoghese, spagnolo                          

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